Thursday, April 30, 2009

Extra Credit Blog Post: a review of Holland by Realpeople

To the contrary of many music journalists and fans, I generally try to steer away from making ‘best of’ lists at the end of the year. This is mostly because its rare that ten records really ever end up good enough that I would feel the need to tell all my friends to listen to it. However, if I were to list my favorite records so far this year, Holland by Realpeople would certainly be the first.
Zach Condon has been making music under the moniker Beirut since 2006 and has definitely established his ability to make compelling multi-instrumental arrangements in an eastern-European style. However, very few of his songs have incorporated synthesizers so it would make sense that he would choose a new moniker to release an EP full of synth-pop songs. Holland was released as a split alongside Beirut’s March of the Zapotec EP, which actually pales in comparison when it comes to quality. If anything the Beirut tracks on this split sound like B sides and the Realpeople tracks sound like a new inspiration.
One wouldn’t think that an artist who makes music in such a dramatic and old fashioned style as Condon’s would adapt well to making an album almost exclusively using synthesizers, however it works remarkably well. The sound quality and mixing jobs make the EP sound very much like a demo, although the synth textures used are truly unique and very dynamic nonetheless. Even Condon’s intense vibrato makes the transition seamlessly on aching brooders such as “Venice” and the dancey “My Night With the Prostitute from Marseille.” The record sounds just as European as anything in Beirut’s discography, but approaches it from a completely different angle.
What’s also remarkable is how dynamic these songs are considering most of them aren’t anything more than two synth voices, a drum machine and layered vocal tracks. Many of Condon’s previous efforts with Beirut have excelled because of his ability to arrange using a whole host of unconventional instruments; however, the fact that Condon can create a record that’s comparatively sparse and equally compelling is only a testament to his talent as a musician.
While this is only a five song EP, it excels in both style and content. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Realpeople full length released in the near future. I only hope that Beirut fans are as receptive to I am to this new style.


1 comment:

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